Arlo protects your home. You should protect your network, too.
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Home Security Tips
Home Wi-Fi cyberattacks are a real threat. A survey by computer networking company Netgear revealed that home network devices see an average of 10 attacks every 24 hours. Yet, 65% of people use the same password across at least two accounts, and over one in four consumers use the same password for six accounts (or more.)
With home automation on the rise, an increasing number of smart devices connect to the internet. Securing your Wi-Fi network is more important than ever. And what’s one of the leading causes of home network security breaches? Weak passwords. So, here’s how to create a strong Wi-Fi password and protect your home network.
Why use a strong password for your home Wi-Fi network?
Lack of strong passwords can leave consumers vulnerable to breaches like getting locked out of their own network, personal data or identity theft, and even financial loss. A strong Wi-Fi password prevents strangers from accessing your home network and should be part of your home security maintenance.
This not only keeps freeloaders from using your internet connection, but also safeguards your personally identifiable information, access to important accounts like email and social media, and other sensitive data.
A secure password may also improve your Wi-Fi signal, as fewer devices will be connected to your network. Want to be a good neighbor and share your Wi-Fi with the family next door? Consider creating a separate wireless network for guests. This way, you’ll maintain a secure, private home network while providing a second, isolated connection for visitors.
What are the risks of having a weak Wi-Fi password?
As more smart home devices connect to your Wi-Fi network and link to your personal accounts, anyone with access to your main home network could exploit a vulnerable device to hack into those accounts. For example, imagine having a Smart TV connected to your Google Account, which is linked to your credit card information. If someone on your Wi-Fi network manages to hack into the TV, this could easily lead to serious issues.
Harvard University also highlights the risks of providing free Wi-Fi access to strangers without a legal paper trail. If someone unknown engages in illegal activity using your Wi-Fi network, the blame could fall on you, not them.
Equally important, remember that home security devices like Arlo security cameras or the Arlo Home Security System rely on your Wi-Fi network. To ensure maximum security, it’s best to be the only person with access to the network your security system connects to.
How do hackers get other people’s Wi-Fi passwords?
Hackers use several methods to steal Wi-Fi passwords. One common technique is brute force, where they try all possible combinations in hopes of guessing correctly. Hackers rely on automated programs to test thousands and thousands of passwords in short periods. The shorter and simpler the password, the faster the brute-force process becomes.
Hackers may also attempt to use popular, insecure passwords like “Password123” or employ social engineering to gather personal information. For example, if a hacker knows your dog is named Rocky, they might try “Rocky” as your Wi-Fi password.
Here are 6 tips to make a strong Wi-Fi password.
How do you create a strong Wi-Fi password? Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Opt for longer passwords, avoid obvious or personal information, and use phrases instead of single words. Alternatively, you can use a password generator for added password security.
1. Choose long passwords, since they are stronger and safer.
Short passwords are easier to crack. Aim for a password that’s at least 12 characters long — more characters mean more password strength. A 4-character password could be cracked instantly, while a 12-character password could take up to 226 years to brute force.
2. Combine special characters, letters, and numbers.
Using only letters creates weak passwords. Incorporating special characters and numbers significantly strengthens it, making it exponentially harder to crack. Pro tip: Consider substituting letters to make the password easier to remember. For example, instead of “ThisIsMyPassword,” try “Th!s!sMyP@55word.”
3. Avoid using obvious information.
Avoid using easily accessible or obvious information in your passwords. Instead, opt for random phrases or details only you would know. For example, try instead using a line from your favorite song or a catchphrase from a movie character. How about the line “There!sNoSp00n” from The Matrix? This password works well because it is memorable, but difficult to guess.
4. Use phrases or sentences instead of words.
Sentences are always safer than single words or names, making them harder to crack or guess. What’s even harder to guess? Randomly paired words forming long phrases. Instead of logical sentences like “TheDogIsBrown,” try pairing unrelated words like “Ch!ckenL@mpTomat0Disc.” (Come on, hackers, try cracking that password!)
5. Incorporate mnemonics to make the password easier to remember.
Mnemonics also make incredibly strong passwords. Mnemonic devices are learning techniques that help you remember complex information. For example, you could take the first letter of each word from a sentence like “My cat loves to sleep on my lap and get head scratches!” and turn it into “Mclts0ml@ghs!” — a password that’s both memorable and strong.
6. Use a password generator or a password manager.
What is a password generator? A password generator is a software program capable of generating randomized passwords. You can use a password generator to create strong passwords that follow all the previous recommendations.
Keep in mind that randomly generated passwords can be harder to memorize. To make things easier, use a secure password manager to store them safely and share them with guests, friends, and family when needed.
Is your Wi-Fi safe? Now protect your home with Arlo.
Follow these tips to create a strong password and secure your Wi-Fi network. If your goal is to safeguard your home from other types of threats, consider Arlo home security cameras, video doorbells, and the Arlo Home Security System. With state-of-the-art technology, Arlo’s smart security devices offer everything you need to protect your home and truly experience peace of mind.